Aug 27th Sunday Sermon, Notes & Audio recording…

Announcements: -Sept 5th: going to the River for baptism day Pastor Stan brought the word: Mark 6:12 They went out and preached that people should repent.(NIV) Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"(NIV)...

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Sunday Aug 20 Service notes and audio recording

Robin led worship, Stan moderated, Byron shared his testimony and Polin preached the word. Byron's testimony: -we have to choose to live in the word, we overcome by the scriptures, by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb. -I've found family and friends...

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Sunday Aug 13th – Ravi Kandal guest speaker

Brother Ravi Kandal shared this morning. When God does something He exposes something (unlimited from Heaven) on earth (limited). -a brother testified of the importance to pursue Purity in our lives to attract  the Lord to be with us at all times. In the old testament...

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Sunday August 6 Service

Stan preached Luke 8:26-39, James 2:19, Luke 10:17, Luke 4:33-34 Even the demons know who Jesus is and fear His authority. We should know who our enemy/enemies is/are, and speak out against them, in Jesus name. One way of speaking out against the enemy is through...

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July 30 Service

Stan preached Luke 5:1-13, 18-20 FAITH, Jesus calls us to true faith, despite fear, outside of comfort or safety. He called us to be His fishers of men, reaching far out there in the cold dark deep scary waters. He wants us to go deeper in faith in Him. How might that...

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July 16 Service & Notes

Announcements: -NO SERVICE HERE AT POTTER'S NEXT WEEKEND! -11:00 service next weekend will be at The Westerner for the City Wide Church service: there is a parking fee, contact Alvin if you need a ride out there, all attendee's receive a free pass to the Westerner...

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July 9th Notes & Audio Recording

Scripture:  John 4:7-14, 27-30  Also Hebrews 12:1-2 -It's amazing that the women at the well left her Jar behind, what's your list of things that you need to leave behind? -She left her jar (the old life and all things that hinder) with Jesus at the well, we need to...

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July 2 Service

So much praise and thanksgiving to our wonderful Heavenly Father. John 4:21-30, 39-42.  John 7:37-39. Stan preached. Jesus doesn't care about our gender or social status or race or even our sin record...He loves us and wants to give us life, real eternal Life. Christ...

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June 18 Sermon

Happy Father's Day We have a perfect father, a Father in Heaven, who loves us immeasurably. We should follow His example as a Father to help raise our own kids. Sometimes we look at God like we look at our earthly fathers. Unfortunately this isn't an accurate way of...

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