Service Notes:

-Rob led worship, ’twas fabulous!

-Daniella testified of her missions trip of 49 people and were only supposed to go to 4 churches but ended up going to 12 as they began getting more and more requests! It was lifechanging.

-Gordon shared a powerful you tube video called That’s My King.
Click Here to watch That’s My King on

Through loosing their daughter he’s learned Satans process of damage: Wound, lie, agreement, vow, false self

Past Stan prayed for Warren and asked for further extension to his life then Alex the 9 year old boy that Crystal taught of which the funeral is today.

He preached from:

John 21:4-14

Luke 5:1-11

Rev 2:4-5

What’s happened to us since we were first saved when things were so new and fresh? Whats changed since the hour I first believed?

Where is the real Gratitude, Joy, dreams, visions like we used to have? What about the dreams you had when He first got a hold of your heart?

It’s time to get back to our first loves where You had a Galilee experience and met Jesus and left everything and followed Him.

Money, success, previous addictions, whatever your distractions are take a good hard look at your life and the things that are holding you back.

Click Here to Listen to the April 27th 2014 Service

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