July 14th – Sunday Sermon

Click Here to Listen to the July 14th Sunday sermon Service Overview: After worship: Mitchel and Gaston gave an update of Solid Ground Cafe and of the continual daily ministering taking place there. They need your prayers and are asking for more volunteers as well....

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Father’s Day

I never had a father who when I tried to commit suicide came to visit in the hospital and handed me a hunting knife and told me to do a proper job next time. I never had a father who would sexually abuse me and my siblings for years. I never had a father who told me I...

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How to Save a life

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. We can say these words so easily; they roll off the tongue with ease, but do we stop to think of what exactly was meant when these words were first penned by Moses? If you...

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