July 6thJuly 6th service notes: Pastor Alvin shared and thanked everyone for supporting him to come and minister through Potters Hands Ministries. Reminded everyone of purple book bible study has been really powerful! September: a bible study by Katie Soza for healing...
Sunday June 29 Service notes and Audio Recording at Potters Hands Ministries.org
June 29th Gaston shared Rom 5:18-19 Jesus made us righteous. Know who you are once you have put your faith in Christ. We are bombarded by evil all the time and we have to combat the temptation of this life by our new nature. Had to learn who he is now with Christ in...
June 22nd Service Audio
Stan's team worshiped then had open mic to testify if what The Lord is and has been doing in various peoples. Jesus is all each if is need and He has every answer! Hebrews 4:14-16 Hebrews 2:14 Why do we go back to the pigs? We need him as the high priest who knows our...
Sunday June 15th Fathers Day Sermon Audio
Fathers Day Service Notes: When the prodigal came home he was restored due to the Fathers great love with no ifs ands or butts. Galation 4:4-11 When the young son recognized his need he returned to the father. What is your need that God is using to draw you closer to...
June 8th Sunday Sermon Audio
Click Here To Listen to June 8th, 2014
June 1st Sunday Sermon Audio
Service notes: Rob led worship. Pastor Stan preached. Luke 15:21-25 Who is the main character in this story? I think it's the fattened calf. The dad asks the servants to bring the fattened calf and the older brother questions it. The Greek suggests the word 'the' is...
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