June 12 Sermon notes and audio

Stan preached Click here for sermon Matthew 9:9-13, 35-38, 1Peter 2:23-24 If Jesus came for the broken and sick, shouldn't the church follow example? The church, God's house, should be more like a hospital rather than a resort for the healthy or a museum for...

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May 29 Sermon Notes and Audio

Click here for sermon God is good!! Ray's testinomy Darcy preached Genesis 27, Proverbs 12:14, Matthew 12:36-37, Proverbs 18:21, Numbers 22-24, James 1:26, James 3:9 Words are powerful, be careful how you use them. Build up, encourage, bless...don't curse, destroy,...

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May 22nd Sunday Sermon Notes & Audio

Notes: Luke 10: 25-37.  Also 1John 3:1, Romans 8: 35-39, and John 3:16 Love your neighbor, especially the hard ones to love. Real love, not superficial. Love, true love, is hard, it hurts, it costs. It's an investment. Remember what Jesus said was the most important...

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May 15th Sunday Sermon Notes & Audio

Sermon Notes: -How desperate are we for the word of God? -Are we hungry to be filled up by the Holy Spirit and all He wants to empower you with? Or will we be like the 5 foolish virgins like in Matthew 25, who did not take it serious enough and didn't bring with them...

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