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-Rob led worship – Fabulous service there Rob! Love how you did Word of God Speak, sweet!
-Rick and Kim’s baby welcomed into service – welcome Graceson
-Norma shared during testimonial time, a great message on loving ourselves and finding the good in people and overcoming anger. Several from the crowd got up and testified of their struggles with anger and walking in forgiveness. Several gave solutions on how to overcome anger and unforgiveness including pray for those who persecute you; as you pray for The Lord to touch them and heal them you will also get the freedom.
-Pastor Stan gave the message:
-You and I have been forgiven and you need to extend grace and forgiveness to those you need to.
-Read: 1 Samuel chapter 8
-the Israelites wanted a king to rule over them and rejected God because He was their perfect King as they wanted to be like the other nations.
-Be careful what you pray for! Make sure you have His heart in mind when you pray because if He give you the desire s of your heart it may not be to your advantage.
-Out of all the Kings only 6 were righteous and all the rest were tyrants and people starved because of it because they didn’t need a king, they had Jehovah but they rejected Him.

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