Sunday June 3rd

Apple Fans can use this Link: June3rdSundaySermon Windows fans: [kaltura-widget uiconfid="534" entryid="0_ubob3ny3" width="400" height="330" addpermission="" editpermission="" /]

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Sunday May 27th Sermon

Good news / bad news on this audio recording. Good: we isolated the horrible BUZZ from previous weeks audio. Bad: we didn't isolate it till after the service so the main recording is not usable through the stereo However, we used an iphone for backup which is better...

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Sunday May 20th Potter’s Hands Ministries Sermon

Audio is still not great however we cut out the worship and removed a bunch of noise from the original. Will take laptop next weekend and troubleshoot and record with Iphone as a double backup 🙂 Direct Link: Click Here to listen to May 20th service Non Apple fans...

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Sunday May 6th Sermon

Audio is better, we cut out the worship and removed a bunch of noise. Enjoy! Direct Link: Click Here to listen to May 6th service Non Apple fans player on page: [kaltura-widget uiconfid="7870721" entryid="1_93mnwgn7" width="400" height="330" addpermission=""...

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April 29th

Click Here to listen to April 29th service This audio recording is not good (too loud we think) during worship, try turning the sound volume down to clear it up. It's not too bad during preaching though so you may want to fast forward past the worship section. We hope...

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April 22nd Sunday Service

Click Here to listen to Part 1 Click Here to listen to Part 2 *** Both of the above files are in Apple M4a format. You may have to download and install the free player from this link here: Overview: Marina testified. Pastor...

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April 8th Easter Sunday Service

Click Here to listen to the Easter Sunday Service Sorry about the audio it's still poor, we are working on making it exceptional. Overview of service: Worship was amazing Chad McDonald testified Pastor Stan Schalk Preached Math28:5-7 Sometimes People look for Jesus...

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