Sunday February 9th Sermon Audio…

Feb 9 service notes: Teds (shared last week) wife Anita shared this week. Grew up in Catholicism and over time became very empty. Grew up talking to and seeking and being hungry for God but hadn't ever met Him and once got saved she knew she had received LiFe! Pastor...

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Sunday Jan 26th Sermon Notes and Audio

Service notes: -we experienced much joy in worship ! -prayed for a couple of our missionaries going out -Pastor Stan preached: Isaish 60:18-19 No longer will violence be heard in your land... Gen 6:11-13 earth full violence and corruption...God puts an end to that...

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Sunday Sermon on January 19th

Service Notes: Isiaih 60:1-3 Rev 21 We have an integral role to play for the body of Christ! Our sins are forgiven, we are to be alive and vibrant, we have the power of the Holy Spirit and we are brand new creations ! We are the new Jerusalem and need to learn to...

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Sermon Notes and Audio – Jan 13th, 2014

Service Notes: Matt testified - wow what a testimony of Gods faithfulness to cleans us from the perversions of our youth. This was a powerful testimony that all of us can relate to! -Pastor Stan preached: Isaiah 60:1-3 Arise, shine, for your light has come... Is our...

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Sunday January 5th Audio

Service Notes: Len led worship Frank and Leanne testified of a recent missions trip to South Africa, Nigeria then Malaysia. Much emotional healing took place then imparted gifts of the Holy Spirit then took people to local hospitals and saw many people getting healed...

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