Sunday March 27th, 2022 Potter’s hands Fellowship

Click the Orange Read More button below for notes and video: The Clive Baptist church is here visiting with us this am and ministering throughout Red Deer this week. Announcements: Next Sunday is Potluck so bring your favorite dish said Jessie 🙂 Pastor Stan...

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Sunday March 13th Fellowship @ Potters

Today's broadcast: NOTES: Anitas 3 grandbabies were dedicated to Jesus today... Pastor Stan preached on the Kingdom of God: Mathew 20:15-16 the first shall be last and the last first The Kingdom principles are the opposite of the world.

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Sunday sermon and notes Feb 27, 2022

Pastor Pohlin preached: Notes: He is coming as a Reigning King He's the LION from the tribe of Judah and will certainly come. He came to bring the Fire of the Holy Spirit - it's a GOOD fire if you allow it to burn inside of you all of the enemies junk bill burn out of...

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Sunday Video & sermon notes – Feb 20th, 2022

Pastor Stan preached:The portion of our faith is dependent on our love. If you want more faith work on growing your Love. 2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NIV)We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love...

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Sunday Jan 23rd Fellowship @ Potter’s Church Red Deer

Announcements: Jan 29th: Mens BBQ fellowship this coming Saturday at 6pm at Guy's acreage.... Feb 2: Wednesday night mens group will be going down to in Innisfail, all men welcome, meet here at church at 5:15pm on Wednesday Feb 2nd.... $5 museum tour,...

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