Sunday August 24th Service Notes and Audio

Aug 24th service notes Sept 14th: Baptism Service Kit came forward to testify. Powerful testimony of two specialists who said they could remove a blockage that was threatening her life but at last they couldn't so she cried out to The Lord and remembered that He still...

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Aug 10 Sunday Sermon Audio

Sorry but the note taker (me) was on holidays so enjoy the audio below 🙂   Click Here to listen to Sunday August 10th audio sermon MP3    

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Sunday August 3rd Sermon Audio and notes

Service notes: Open mic time for testifying of Gods goodness. Many shared. Stan preached: Acts 2:1-13 on tongues, they were heard declaring the wonders of God during harvest time. This wondrous event was for the furthering of the kingdom of God as many were added to...

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Sunday Sermon July 13 2014

July 13 Codi led worship He gives us beauty for ashes. Cindy went to be with Jesus this last week. Kim shared about Cindy's life and what drugs can do and that if Cindy was here right now she would say when you hit that crossroad in your life run to Jesus don't run to...

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