Dec 11 Service Audio & Notes

Anita shared about a healing that God did recently in her arm, yahoo!!!! Dec 11: Pastor George Harrison preached. Notes: Can we be the seed and mature in the midst of persecution and tough times? The good side of persecution is the gospel goes forward and the saints...

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Sunday Dec.4 Service

Communion Sunday. We have so much to be thankful for. Stan preached: Exodus 16:4-7,17-20,   Deuteronomy 8:1-3,16,   John 6:48-51,   Ephesians 5:1-2 Jesus is the Bread of Life. Only He can truly satisfy. Just because you are full (of food, things, money, blah blah)...

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Sunday Nov. 27 Church Service

God is good. He is moving all over! Stan preached Click here for sermon Exodus 16:4-7, 17-20    2 Corinthians 1:8-11    1 Corinthians 10:13     Psalm 107:4-9    John 6:35 In a world of all-you-can-eat-buffets and Black Fridays, where can we get real peace? Real...

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Nov 13 Sunday Service Open Mic weekend

Open Mic day! Don shared his testimony then Gordon, Gaston, Teresa, Don and Maraleese all shared the word. Many shared testimonies, prayer requests and read from the word. Are we giving God just the crumbs or are we giving Him our best. When we draw near to Him He...

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Sunday Nov. 6 Sermon

What can Jesus do for you? Stan spoke Luke 18:35-43. Also 2Samuel 7:12,13,and 16. Even the "blind" man could see better than most of the crowd who Jesus actually was! Are we bold and open about who we know Jesus to be? What can Jesus do for us? Are we used to nothing...

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Sunday Oct. 30 Sermon

Prophecies and encouragements. Alf from Abbotsford spoke, Jesus perfectly mirrors the Father. Everything he did, he did from/through/by God. Mark 5:1-20- Jesus heals demon-possessed naked guy We have to run to Jesus to be healed and saved and to be set free, no matter...

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Sunday Oct 23rd

Click here to listen to the service    Service Notes: Worship was soft and sweet, PTL! Alvin gave overview of recent mens prayer retreat and had the men all share then shared about Lazarus house. Message from: Luke 11:23-26, and John 4:4-15 and 34-38 John...

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October 16 Sunday Service

Click here for Part1 Philippians 3:14-Press on! Keep going! Philippians 4:6-7-We all have things to worry about, but trust God! He's got it under control. Mother Teresa-“It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing that matters. It is not how much...

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