Potter’s Hands newsletter April 2016
Potter’s Hands Soup Kitchen Schedule
Monday to Friday- Breakfast 6am to 7:30am
Monday- Soup lunch 11:30am to 1pm
Tuesday- 4:30pm to 6pm
Saturday- Brunch 9am to 11am
The costs of food for the Potters Hands Kitchen has gone up.
With the economy changing it is affecting many. On a Tuesday supper, middle of February the kitchen feed 215 people
Anyone wanting to volunteer please talk with Chris or Arlene
Come Join the Sunday Evening Prayer Group from 6 to 7 pm
here at the church
Lazarus House
The Lazarus House
5021- 50 Street
Looking for House Leader. if interested please see Alvin
” A Heart to God and a Hand to Man”
Sunday Church Services
Worship Service at 10 am Prayer Service at 6 pm Pastor: Stan Schalk |
Kitchen: 4935 – 51 Street, Red Deer, AB
Church Building Location: 5202 – 53 Avenue, Red Deer, AB Mailing Address: PO Box 27093, Red Deer, AB T4N 6X8 Web: www.pottershandsministries.org
So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to him, “yes, Lord; You know that I love You. ” He said to him, “Feed my Lambs” John 21:15
LIFT UP RED DEER, prayer meeting
will be at the Festival Hall (beside Memorial Centre)
4214- 58 Street
March 24, 2016
First sixty people will get seats!!
Hope Mission Centre Events
5217- 50 Avenue
Prayer meetings: Tuesday to Friday at 10 a.m.
Bible Study: Tuesday at 530 p.m.
Serving and Caring for People In Need since 1929
Womens Retreat
March 4-6, 2016
The womens, retreat was a HUGE success
There was lots to do and lots of laughing and enjoying friendship time.
Turned out to be a fabulous weekend with warm weather
Looking at doing another retreat, possible in September
Bible Study
Thursday Night at 7 p.m.
(studying ACTS)
if you need any information please talk to Don H, Ted and /or Gaston)
Art Room News
The Art Room from the Streets is open
Monday and Tuesday at 1-4 p.m.
Thursday at 1-4 p.m.
Saturdays 11-1 p.m.
Come out and try your hand at drawing or painting. Supplies are provided
Hospital Visits and Prayer
Sonny Foster would appreciate prayer for his health
Our Dear Ms Rikki is in the hospital recovering with a broken hip
she would like visitors and prayers
Norma Riley is at home recouping from a stroke, please pray for he
Don Poworoznyk was hit by a car while riding his bike. He is ok, but sore
Social Events
There will be no events for March, sorry!
April 10,2016 please join us for a bowl of Hamburger soup
If congregation could bring buns or banneck would be appreciated.
The Elders would like to wish all a Happy Easter
News from Kenn and Frieda Pike
Kenn and Frieda have asked if we could pray for the Christian Center in Los Guido. The center is being used 6 days a week for cell group, prayer meetings, women ministry, computer classes, English classes and a childrens club. There has been an increased focus on sharing the gospel and discipleship with all those that come. Recently a young boy accepted the Lord while attending the childrens club. We are teaching English three times a week, we have been asked if we would open another English group in a different location. Please pray for continual healing for Friedas knees. The doctor has her on restricted walking orders, only where the ground is level and for a limited time. Jocelyn knows that it is very difficult to find in this part of Costa Rica. Dios los bendiga a tudos ustedes y gracias por sus oraciones. God bless al of you and thank you for your prayers.
Pastor Tim and School of the Spirit
From Stoney Plain
will be here March 19 and 20, 2016
Sunday School News
Thank you, to all that have helped in the nursery and/or in the
Sunday school class.
If interested in sharing your time with the children either by playing in the nursery or teaching the children about our God. (Lessons are provided) Please talk to Margarita
Using your Gifts
Multimedia (see Chad or Jeff)
Child Care in the toddler room (play, sing, cuddle) Margarita
Sunday School (lessons are provided) Margarita
Special Events (set up, clean up, serving) Arlen e
Worship (singing, music instruments) Chad
Kitchen Volunteers (serving, help with prep, clean up) Arlene or Chris
Security at the church (Don E)
If anyone is interested in lending a hand please talk to the people that look after those area of ministries
LEADERS , of Potters Hands Ministries
Don Ebenal Chairman… (403) 304-4334
Tim Caldow… (403) 506-6260
Barb Caldow… (403) 886-2203
Chad McDonald… (403) 352-9399
Doug Mclean (403) 346-5450 after 12 Noon
text (403) 396-6205
Stan and Crystal Schalk… Secretary… (403) 346-0798
Alvin Rainville… Evangelist (403) 598-6873
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